Choose Your Color Story

Marissa Says…

Starting with a color palette is like laying the foundation of a room. Your home should always be reflective of your personal style; with this in mind, your inspiration should come from all of your favorite items and colors. Pulling colors from a favorite piece of art can be a form of inspiration.

Selecting the perfect color story for your home can be achieved with just a few simple steps.

What colors to use where

Colors have a direct effect on your mood. Bright colors like orange and yellow bring enthusiasm and cheer, whereas calm colors like blue are relaxing and often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. Neutral colors like gray, beige, and black are staple colors that hold up over time, while red can be aggravating to the eye if not used in small doses. In bedrooms, I suggest neutral, more relaxing airy colors like white, while in dramatic rooms, use jewel tones accents to pique interest, and in luxury spaces, try darker moody tones like plum to sophistication to any space. One of my favorite color stories is gray, silver, and navy. This color story has the perfect balance between light and dark colors.Design by Glasshouse Interior

Selecting a base color

First, you should start with a base color. This will be the most dominant and often used color in the room. This color can be on the walls or a major piece of furniture. I like to start with a neutral and build from there but you can start with a bold color and do the reverse.

Adding an accent color

Next, choose an accent color. This is where you can get bold and creative. If you’re designing a bedroom and you’ve selected a light gray base, try a dark bold accent like navy or black. This will create a nice contrast with the gray and give the room balance. Accent colors can be used on items like accent chairs, throw pillows, artwork, and accessories. I recommend a 70/ 30 split with your base and accent color.Design by Glasshouse Interior

Metal rules

Now that you have your base and accent color, select a metal. This can be the pulls on a dresser, lamp post, or even the nail heads on a tufted piece of furniture. For added
character, you can mix metals such as silver and gold together.

The element of surprise

Last, a “surprise and delight” color that’s different from your base, accent, and metal will always make a room feel more interesting and thoughtful. This color can be a bright flower in a vase or a random throw blanket on a corner chair.

Final thoughts

Now that you have the perfect color story, sourcing items for your space will be much easier. Repeat the same three to four colors in your color story to keep the process aligned. Before you know it you’ll have a magazine-ready room using your own inspiration.